Although the Epidural can have some advantages, it can also have many disadvantages. It is important to know this before you consider requesting or accepting one.
PROS of an epidural:
Helps relax the body when the person giving birth is too tense, in this case it can help labor to progress,
Give rest to the birthing person who is exhausted,
Relief discomfort.
CONS of an epidural:
The person giving birth may develop a fever and in this case antibiotics are given,
Continuous monitoring is required, so movements are restricted to bed,
May slow labor in some cases and in this case induction is recommended,
The baby may find it difficult nursing right after birth because her tongue may feel numb,
Rare cases of paralysis if the epidural is not administered correctly.
Can take away feelings.
Although the epidural might be right for you, it can also be the start of a cascade of interventions. Keep this in mind and always ask your caregiver about the pros and cons of interventions before making a decision.